Clubs & Activities

Ram Fit Club

Fitness club is open to students of all grade levels on Wednesday mornings before school! Each grade level will have a designated six week time-period in which their fitness club session will take place. Fliers will be sent home with students prior to the first session in order to get parent permission and will have all the session dates listed. Students must be dropped off at the main entrance of the building at 8:20a. Fitness club will conclude at 8:45 in which students will then be released to breakfast or class. Fitness club is an opportunity for your child to learn proper stretching and warm-up techniques, play fun games, and get their heart rate going before they start their school day. Come have fun, hang out with Mrs. Wilson and get your fit on!

Ram Art Club

After school art club is open to a different grade level every six weeks. Sign-up information comes home for students to participate. Coy kids love the Ram Art Club!